Solar Energy Benefits for Medium and Large Industries
Solar energy remains the most promising renewable energy source for India when it comes to electricity generation. And yes, if we talk about energy consumption, Solar energy is rapidly adopted worldwide at an enterprise level. This is because industries are more focused on leveraging solar energy benefits as a sustainable alternative.
Having multiple solar energy benefits, it has become imperative for industries in recent years to maximize this energy source. We have witnessed a rising spike in the number of solar energy usage which has made it clear that solar energy for industries can be transformative.
In this article, we will be looking at how solar power for industrial use has benefitted medium to large business entities. Let’s start by looking into how solar energy is getting widely accepted.
How has the world adopted solar energy?
The global adoption of solar energy is rapidly accelerated due to several combinations of factors. Sucha as- the depreciating cost of the system, technological advancement, and increasing acceptance. Moreover, as the manufacturing industry in India is expanding swiftly, and domestic energy demand is also increasing, India has turned towards making the most of solar power energy.
“In the last five years, the country’s solar installed capacity has experienced a monumental transformation, increasing from 21,651 MW to 70,096 MW in 2023.” (source:
(Source: )
It is worth noting that, “The installed solar energy capacity has increased by 30 times in the last 9 years and stands at 85.47 GW as of Jun 2024. India’s solar energy potential is estimated to be 748 GWp as estimated by the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE).”
Now let’s take a look at what exactly is making solar energy highly popular among businesses.
Benefits of solar energy
Here are some of the key benefits of solar energy in industrial applications:
1. Conventional vs eco-friendly solution
- Boosted manufacturing capacity: As the average tariff rates have been historically pretty high making conventional non-renewable energy sources an expensive way to pursue a business, the use of solar energy helps large industries save up to 50%, leading to higher manufacturing capacity.
- Security and independence: Let’s not forget how dependency on fossil fuels can make industries vulnerable to geopolitical tensions and price volatility. Large industries that are heavily dependent upon energy supply, can be rest assured about stability by avoiding reliance on external energy sources and using solar energy. Having their industrial solar power plant can make them independent and secure.
2. Sustainable solution
- Inexhaustible resource: By using solar energy for industries, the issues of rising pollution, hiking of fuel prices, and depletion of fossil fuels can be addressed easily. But in addition to this, as this is available in abundance as an inexhaustible resource, we can practically never run out of it.
- Reduced carbon footprint: Adapting to solar energy, especially in medium and large industries, helps achieve carbon-friendly status by significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. And this can be one of the reasons behind the popularity of an organization.
3. Improving the corporate image
- Brand value: Switching to solar energy can enhance the corporate image of the organization. The brand value spikes up with the environmental stewardship stance of the business.
4. Energy independence
- Addressing the volatile energy rates: Solar energy encourages businesses to become less reliant on external energy sources. This lower dependency is very valuable, especially in the arena where volatility in the energy tariffs can be seen. Solar energy ensures a smooth operation of business with a consistent power supply. Industrial solar power plants are like powerful energy factories that connect directly to the grid, ensuring a steady supply of electricity.
5. Reduced electricity bills
- Reduced bills for large organizations: By investing in grid-connected solar power plants the industries can save on electricity expenses. When Industrial energy savings is a leading concern of every organization, implementing an energy management system along with solar power projects can help slash electricity bills further.
Even though now you know about the solar energy benefits, it is equally important for you to bust the myths around it.
Common beliefs about Solar Energy
There are a ton of myths that are rumored in the market around solar energy. Let’s try to dig up the truth:
- Solar panels are expensive: The initial cost of solar panels might seem to be expensive at first sight. But over the decade the cost has significantly reduced and continuous developments make it an asset with good ROI for the business.
- Monsoon is a big hurdle: A widely accepted rumor is that a cloudy or monsoon season is a hurdle for the solar power-using industries. But the fact is, the rainfall washes away the dirt on the panels, making the panels clean which again helps them work strongly.
- Constant maintenance: Though the maintenance costs of solar power plants are high, solar plants nowadays are designed in such a durable way that they require only regular dust checks. Minimal time and energy after maintenance make solar power for industrial use an ideal option for all sizes of businesses.
From all the above discussion it is pretty understandable now that solar energy in businesses is no longer a futuristic concept. By strategic implementation of solar power, one organization can avail substantial financial rewards and enhance their operational efficiency. Solar energy benefits here show a vast solar energy potential which can unlock plenty of growth opportunities for large size of organizations in India.
We hope this article gave you a deeper understanding of how adapting to solar energy in your business can be a revolutionizing idea. Do you still have a query? Get your doubts answered by our experts at KP Group- a leader in offering unmatched solutions for India’s green energy needs with a click.
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